Next Auction: April Classic 2025 - Saturday 12th April 2025, 1:00pm
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October Classic

Auction: Saturday 28th October 2023, 1:00pm at Barons, Unit 6 Harbour Close, Cracknore Industrial Park, Marchwood, Southampton. SO40 4AF
Viewing: Monday 16th October 2023, 9:00am - 5:00pm to Saturday 28th October 2023, 9:00am - 1:00pm

Lot 102: 1997 Harley Davidson Custom Evo big twin Guide price: £6,500 to £9,000
Harley Davidson
Custom Evo big twin
P214 PYD
35,000 kilometers
Chassis No:
15/ June 2024
Engine Size:

Harley Davidson Custom Evo big twin built 1997 and imported from the USA in 2017. The bike is described by the vendor as an excellent example of its type that runs and rides well with plenty of power from the 1450c V twin. The mono shock rear gives a good ride but keeps the hard tail look and the matt black paintwork gives a good look to this smart custom bike. The list of enhancements is long but here are some. Coker tyres, spoked wheels, single seat conversion, 3 inch stainless steel exhaust pipes, 5 gallon split tank, braided oil lines, new throttle body, 4inch open primaries, billet headlamp, billet air filter intake, cats eye tail lights, heritage bars and risers and wide glide front end. The bike is based on a heritage soft tail, is ready to ride and is looking very smart.  

Note: This description is provided by the vendor and unless otherwise stated is 'Not Verified' by Barons or any person employed by Barons. Prospective purchasers are advised to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of any statements made, whether they be statements of fact or opinion.