Auction: Saturday 9th November 2024, 1:00pm at Unit6 Harbour Close, Cracknore Industrial Estate, Marchwood, Southampton
Viewing: Monday 28th October 2024, 9:00am - 5:00pm to Saturday 9th November 2024, 9:00am - 1:00pm
Morris Minor 1000 1958 offered for sale. This car was purchased by the vendor in 1983 when is was used by his late wife to take her test. After her test it was put into the garage for restoration and has been there ever since with the work being done very slowly. Much work has been done over the years and you will need to see the pictures to gain an idea of what is left to do and the standard of the work done. The engine was rebuilt and was started every now and again to keep it free. This however ceased a couple of years ago. There is some paperwork with the car and a wad of invoices from Charles Ware for parts used. The car is very sound and everything appears to be there for final paint and putting back together. We have fitted the nearside front door to tidy the car up